Welcome! Join our Sea of Support
We Are Glad You're Here
Welcome to the R.H. Dana PTA website. Whether you are a parent, student, or sponsor we are glad you are here. If you have any questions, concerns, or are looking for more information about how you can get involved or support the school, you've come to the right place. Be sure to check back here for the latest news and updates from the PTA!
UPcoming events
3/3-6 - Parent Teacher Conferences - minimum days
3/5 Wednesday - PTA Executive Board Meeting 8:00am
3/6 Thursday - Booster Club Meeting
3/7-12 - Meet the Masters
3/13 Thursday - Island Inspirations assembly
3/14 Friday - PTA General Meeting 8:15am
3/14 Friday - 4th Grade Pioneer Day
3/24 Monday - Water Assembly (TK-2nd)
3/26 Wednesday - 1st grade field trip to Nature Reserve
3/27 Thursday - 2nd grade field trip to OCMA
3/27 Thursday - School Site Council Meeting
3/31-4/3 - Book Fair
4/1 Tuesday - Spring Pictures
4/1-4/3 - Book Fair
4/2 Wednesday - PTA Executive Board Meeting 8:00am
4/3 Thursday - Booster Club Meeting
4/3 Thursday - Open House at 5:30
4/4 Friday - Sees Candy Fundraiser ends
4/7-4/11 - Spring Recess - no school
4/13 Sunday - Online Book Fair ends
4/22 Tuesday - Earth Day Festivities
4/25 Friday - Spring Carnival