Whale Pod
What is the Whale Pod?
It is going to be a special space for our Whales, big and small. Room 117 will be transformed into the Whale Pod and will become a space for unlimited use. Along with fresh paint, we will add comfortable furniture that is easy to move and make into different private areas or one big meeting space. Art supplies and music will be a part of the space as well. Many schools throughout CUSD have similar spaces available to their school community. We want to join them! The Whale Pod will be open to students at recess for quiet activities, a place to meet with Ms. Fischer for social-emotional health lessons, open for classes or groups of students for art activities and be available for parent meetings.
How you can help
The cost to build the Whale Pod will be approximately $15,000-20,000 for furniture, paint, art supplies, calming supplies and items, music feature, and social-emotional health reading material. The proceeds from this year's Jogathon will help fund this project. We always accept direct donations, but you can also support this project by sponsoring your whale for the Jogathon- and ask friends and family to sponsor as well!
Examples of similar rooms